
Ta tečaj je namenjen vrhunskim športnikom, ki so izrazili pripravljenost, da postanejo mentorji ranljivih in institucionaliziranih otrok. V skladu s cilji projekta 4me4all bodo udeleženci tečaja spoznali izzive, s katerimi se soočajo institucionalizirani otroci, in kako lahko ti vplivajo na njihovo zdravje. Predstavili bodo tudi nekatere dobre prakse in navade ter kako jim lahko pomagajo, poudarili pa bodo tudi vlogo, ki jo ima lahko športnik forme kot mentor pri spodbujanju zdravih navad in izboljšanju njihovega počutja.

4me4all is a project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. It is dedicated to formulating an intervention to improve the lives of institutionalised minors through the promotion of healthy habits. This course goes through a diversity of issues that are part of institutionalised children’s lives and that can have an effect on their physical and mental health. Elite athletes are social role models, especially for youngsters. Hence, this project aims to formulate an intervention programme where elite athletes can become mentors and supporters of institutionalised children to improve their well-being.

The 4me4all course is specially prepared to raise awareness of these issues and to train a selection of elite athletes who will become mentors of the 4me4all programme.

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Tečaj vključuje

  • 4 lekcije
  • 25 Topics
  • 4 Quizzes
  • Potrdilo o opravljenem tečaju