Cilj tečaja GETS za trajnost v športu je zagotoviti najsodobnejše znanje na temo trajnosti v športu, najboljše prakse in priporočila za športne menedžerje in športne strokovnjake na splošno. S tem tečajem se boste kot akterji, zaposleni v športu in na športnih prireditvah, naučili, kako vključiti trajnostni razvoj v vsakodnevne dejavnosti organizacije. 

Ta tečaj je nastal s podporo programa Erasmus+ Evropske komisije. Vendar pa so izražena stališča in mnenja izključno avtorjev in ne odražajo nujno stališč in mnenj Evropske unije ali agencije EACEA. Niti Evropska unija niti organ, ki dodeljuje sredstva, ne moreta biti odgovorna zanje.

Fotografija na naslovnici: Caleb Jones na Unsplashu.

The Green Education Through Sport (GETS) project is dedicated to creating and promoting online educational tools that help raise awareness of sustainability issues in and through sport. This course is meant to provide grassroots sports organisations with the necessary knowledge to implement sustainable and eco-friendly practices and promote green values among their stakeholders. You will be able to learn about key concepts related to sport and sustainability and deepen your knowledge about the ways in which to plan and prepare sustainable activities and events, how to effectively communicate a message of sustainability and influence fans and other stakeholders and the importance of collaboration towards achieving the common goal of greening sports.

The course is composed of five distinct lessons, dealing with sustainability concepts, planning for green sports events, communicating sustainability in your networks, finding and engaging in sustainable partnerships and learning from best practices. In order to know more about the project, go to
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