OCDC – starejši športniki

Spletni tečaj OCDC za starejše športnike je namenjen ozaveščanju o pomenu priprav na zaključek športne kariere. V tem tečaju bodo udeležen…

OCDC – mlajši športniki

Spletni tečaj OCDC za mlajše športnike je namenjen ozaveščanju o prednostih dvojne kariere ter zagotavljanju nasvetov in napotkov o tem, kako …

OCDC – Νεαροί Αθλητές

Το διαδικτυακό μάθημα του OCDC για νεαρούς αθλητές είναι αφιερωμένο στην ευαισθητ…

OCDC – Senior Athletes

The OCDC online course for senior athletes is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of preparing for a post-athletic career. In this cou…

OCDC – Junior Athletes

The OCDC online course for junior athletes is dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits of having a dual career, and to providing advice and t…

Athletes Speakers

The Athletes Speakers course is a tailor-made educational programme dedicated to empowering athletes by enhancing their communication skills. Athle…